Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

4 Important Tips For Any College Student

college students
We’re told that our college years will be the best of our lives, for many of us they’re over before they’ve begun. America has the highest college drop-out rate in the world, with 54 percent of scholars leaving before they receive their degree. No one’s pretending that completing college is easy, but employing these handy tips can make it simpler to earn your degree.

Get Credit For What You Already Know

You can often earn instant credits and skip the classes if you prove your knowledge in key subject areas. Ask your academic adviser if your university offers College Level Examination Program tests or similar programs. Taking these exams might seem expensive at first, but they’re usually much cheaper than the fees for the corresponding courses. If you’re confident with the material, they’re a great way to save money in the long run and lighten your workload.

Sign Up For Online Learning

With many contemporary universities and other accredited schools offering online classes, virtual learning is a legitimate way to get a degree. This flexible option is ideal for anyone feeling stressed by the demands of the traditional classroom. Online schools don’t have structured class times, so students can juggle their lessons with professional and personal obligations. This allows students to hold down the jobs they need to chip away at their student loans and achieve a greater work-life balance.
On average, online courses also tend to be shorter and more affordable than their traditional equivalents. No wonder 38 percent of adult learners say they prefer online study! Critics argue that online degrees don’t support students as traditional universities do, but virtual educators like Bryant & Stratton College challenge this assumption. Its online degree tour helps prospective students learn what they can expect when they enroll.

Don’t Push Yourself Too Hard

No one’s suggesting you should be complacent about your studies, but it is important to be realistic. If you’re working full-time or taking care of a family, studying full-time might be too much. There’s no shame in that. Part-time study might take longer, but it’ll ease your finances and stress levels.
Just make sure that in cutting your hours, you keep your eye on the prize. The statistics are against part-time students, with only 25.6 percent getting their bachelor’s degree within eight years compared to 60.6 percent of full-timers. Of course with the right motivation, you can reach your goal on time!

Look for Extra Credit Opportunities

Seeking out additional activities might seem like it’d make your life more difficult, but it’s actually a great way to help you get your degree faster and improve your employment prospects. Some colleges will reward their students’ life experiences with extra credits. Put together a portfolio documenting your employment history, including volunteer positions, and community involvement to plead your case.
You could also score extra credit for internship roles, work experience positions, or even relevant paid employment. If you already hold a position in your desired field, and considering the importance of industry connections you probably should, the credits will come just from doing what you’ve already been doing!
So don’t let college stress get on top of you. With these simple tips, you can easily earn the degree that you deserve.