Minggu, 21 November 2021


1. “I would rather have graduated from the University of New York last year.” The sentence means that I ______ from the University of New York last year.

A. wouldn’t graduate

B. won’t graduate

C. don’t graduate

D. didn’t graduate

E. haven’t graduated


Penggunaan ‘would rather’ untuk pengandaian yang tidak terjadi di masa lampau. Disebutkan, “I would rather have graduated from the University of New York last year.” Itu berarti, penulis tidak lulus tahun lalu. Kalimat yang tepat digunakan adalah ‘didn’t graduate’.

Jawaban yang benar adalah D.

The following text is for questions 2.

Recent technological advances in manned and unmanned undersea vehicles have overcome some of the limitations of divers and diving equipment. Without a vehicle, divers often become sluggish and their mental concentration becomes limited. Because of undersea pressure which affected their speech organs, communication among divers was difficult or impossible. But today, most oceanographers make observations by means of instruments which are lowered into the ocean or from samples taken from the water.

Direct observations of the ocean floor are made not only by divers but also by deep‐diving submarines. Some of these submarines can dive to depths of more than seven miles and cruise at depths of thousand feet. Radio‐equipped buoys can be operated by remote control in order to transmit information back to land‐based laboratories.

2. Which of the following statements is the most suitable concluding sentence of the paragraph?

A. In short, the technology in undersea exploration should be improved.

B. Therefore, divers should avoid undersea pressure to be able to communicate.

C. In fact, deep-diving submarines are the best means for oceanographers to conduct undersea exploration.

D. To conclude, the radios divers use to communicate that makes undersea exploration successful.

E. Thus, successful communication in the exploration of the ocean greatly depends on the divers and vehicles.


Bacaan di atas membahas bagaimana peran perkembangan teknologi kendaraan bawah laut berawak maupun tidak berawak mengatasi keterbatasan penyelam dan peralatan menyelam. Kesimpulan yang bisa diambil sesuai bacaan tersebut adalah karena adanya komunikasi yang lancar selama eksplorasi.

Jawaban yang benar adalah E.

The following text is for questions 3. 

(1) Child development refers to the biological, psychological and emotional changes that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses from dependency to increasing autonomy. (2) It is a continuous process with a predictable sequence yet having a unique course for every child. (3) It does not progress at the same rate and each stage is affected by the preceding types of development. (4) Because these developmental changes may be strongly influenced by genetic factors and events during prenatal life, genetics and prenatal development are usually included as part of the study of child development.

(5) Child care programs present a critical opportunity for the promotion of child development. (6) Developmental change may occur as a result of genetically-controlled processes known as maturation, or as a result of environmental factors and learning, but most commonly involves an interaction between the two. (7) It may also occur as a result of human nature and our ability to learn from our environment.

3. Which sentence is irrelevant to the topic of the passage?

A. Sentence 2

B. Sentence 3

C. Sentence 4

D. Sentence 5

E. Sentence 6


Kalimat ke-5, “Program perawatan anak memberikan kesempatan penting untuk mendukung perkembangan anak”. Kalimat ini tidak berkaitan dengan konteks bacaan yang berbicara mengenai proses perkembangan anak.

Jawaban yang benar adalah D.

4. Cassano : Business people complain that there is a sharp increase in Chinese product flooding the Indonesian market.

Cha Young: It _______ due to the last year’s trade agreement between Indonesia and China.

A. must be

B. has to be

C. would be

D. should be

E. would rather be


Penggunaan ‘must be’ berarti pasti atau harus. Kalimat dalam soal memiliki maksud “Pasti karena perjanjian antara Indonesia dan China.” Jadi, kata yang sesuai adalah ‘must be’.

Jawaban yang benar adalah A.

5. “Had there been good teaching facilities in the school, every teacher would have been able to teach their students effectively.” From the sentence above, we can conclude that________.

A. Teaching and learning will be effective.

B. The quality of teaching was good.

C. There was no difference in the teaching method.

D. The teachers taught the students effectively.

E. There were no good teaching facilities in the school.


Kalimat di atas adalah ungkapan pengandaian yang tidak terjadi atau biasa disebut kalimat bersyarat. “Jika ada fasilitas yang baik dalam pengajaran di sekolah, maka setiap guru dapat mengajar secara efektif.” Kesimpulan yang bisa diambil adalah kondisi yang bertolak belakang dari pengandaian tersebut, tepatnya tidak ada fasilitas pengajaran yang baik di sekolah.

Jawaban yang benar adalah E.

6. “When did the accident happen?” 

“When the goods ...... from the truck.” 

A. Were unloading 

B. Were being unloaded 

C. Being unloaded 

D. They were unloaded 

E. Unloaded

Kunci : B 

Alasan : Rumus kalimat pasif : 

S + to be + V-III 

S + to be + being + V-III

7. All the quests admired the ...... hall where the bridge and bridgeroom were seated. 

A. Beautiful decoration 

B. It was beautifully decorated 

C. Beautifully decorating 

D. Beauty of decoration 

E. Beautifully decorated

Kunci : E 

Alasan : Untuk menerangkan kata ‘hall’ pada ‘the ....... hall’ dibutuhkan adjective. Atau principle (V.ing/V-III). Jadi pilihan yang tepat ialah ; ‘the beautifully decorated’ (ruangan gedung yang didekorasi dengan indahnya). 

8. “Did you plan the program for our high school reunion yourself?” 

“No, ...... .” 

A. Adi had me do it 

B. I had Adi do it 

C. I had to do it for Adi 

D. I had Adi to do it 

E. I had Adi doing it 

Kunci : B 

Alasan : Rumus Causative have (menyuruh) : 

S + have + Obj. Aktif + inf tanpa to 

S + have + Obj. Pasif + V-III 

Jadi yang paling tepat adalah : ‘I had Adi do it’ (saya menyuruh Adi untuk mengerjakannya). 

9. My daughter ...... a lot of photographs of the Borobudur when she went there on her last vacation. 

A. Has taken 

B. Has been taking 

C. Would take 

D. Took 

E. Had taken

Kunci : E 

Alasan : Keterangan waktu yang digunakan berbentuk Simple Past Tense (when she went there) maka kalimat yang tepat harus memakai bentuk Past Perfect.

Questions 10 to 12 are based on the following text.

The latest round in an ongoing debate over global-warming trends claims that warming has indeed slowed down this century. An obvious slowing in the rise of global temperatures was recorded at the beginning of the twenty-first century. This was referred to as a "hiatus" or a "pause". This hiatus was first observed several years ago. Climate-change skeptics have used this as evidence that global warming has stopped permanently. But in June the previous year, a study in science claimed that the hiatus was just an artifact which disappears when biases in temperature data are corrected.

Now a prominent group of researchers is countering that claim. They argue in Nature Climate Change that even after correcting these biases the slowdown was real. "There is this mismatch between what the climate models are producing and what the observations are showing," says lead author John Fyfe. "We can't ignore it." Fyfe uses the term "slowdown" rather than "hiatus". He also stresses that it does not in any way weaken global-warming theory.

The study that questioned the existence of the slowdown corrected known biases in the surface temperature record maintained by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The finding showed differences in temperature readings from ships and buoys. This effectively increased the record about warming. The researchers also extended the record to include 2014. This set a new record high for average temperatures.

Thomas Karl, director of National Centers for Environmental Information in Asheville, calculated the rate of global warming between 1950 and 1999 as being 0.113°C per decade. This was similar to the 0.116°C a decade calculated for 2000-14. This, Karl said, meant that an assessment done by the influential Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 2013 showing that warming had slowed was no longer valid.

10. The passage above mainly discusses about….

A. the hiatus observation was first carried out several years ago

B. the reason why global warming is slowing down in this century

C. global warming is a verifiable issue in the space of a decade

D. the contention about global warming and whether it is indeed slowing this period

E. the view of study in science that the hiatus is an artifact which vanishes

Answer: D

Perhatikan kalimat pertama pada paragraf ke-1 “The latest round in an ongoing debate over global-warming trends claims that warming has indeed slowed down this century.” inti kalimatnya mengatakan adanya perdebatan yang membahas tentang tren pemanasan global yang melambat abad ini. Maka topik dari teks di atas adalah (D) The contention about global warming and whether it is indeed slowing this period.

11. The word “prominent” in paragraph 2 means….

A. well-known

B. promenade

C. shrewd

D. indolent

E. magnificent

Answer: A

Prominent (Terkenal) memiliki makna yang sama dengan pilihan jawaban (A) well-known. Sedangkan, pilihan jawaban (B) promenade artinya “perjalanan”, (C) shrewd berarti “cerdas”, (D) indolent memiliki arti “malas”, dan (E) magnificent artinya “sangat bagus”.

12. Why have some claimed that global warming a fabricated issue?

A. Because there’s no valid data to prove that global warming is real.

B. Since the existence of the slowdown corrected known biases in the surface temperature record upheld by the US NOAA.

C. As an assessment done on Climate Change presenting that warming had slowed was no longer valid.

D. For the researchers is countering that in Nature Climate Change even after correcting these biases the slowdown was real.

E. Because of the diversification in temperature readings from ships and buoys, the study found.

Answer: C

Pilihan jawaban (C) merupakan opsi yang tepat karena pada paragraf ke-4 “This, Karl said, meant that an assessment done by the influential Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 2013 showing that warming had slowed was no longer valid.” dikatakan bahwa perhitungan yang dilakukan oleh Panel Antarpemerintah pada Perubahan Iklim menunjukkan bahwa pemanasan telah melambat tidak lagi berlaku, yang mana artinya bahwa pemanasan global merupakan isu yang tidak benar.

The following text is for questions 13 to 14.

Over the last two decades, the use of ICT has been an important topic in education. On the one hand, studies have shown that ICT can enhance teaching and learning outcomes. For example, in science and mathematics education, scholars have documented that the use of ICT can improve students’ conceptual understanding, problem solving, and team working skills. Consequently, most curriculum documents state the importance of ICT and encourage school teachers to use them. However, teachers need to specifically trained in order to integrate ICT in their teaching.

Schools are known to be resistant to innovation and change, however, the spread of ICT is beginning to affect how teachers teach. One of the current issues about the use of ICT is how it is integrated into the curriculum. The curriculum document provides arguments for introducing ICT in the school setting. Therefore, schools expect that graduates from teacher education programs have a reasonable knowledge of how to use ICT. However, this may not be the case because most current teachers’ pre-service preparation, and subsequent in-service courses were designed by using traditional educational technology and settings. Thus, the participants in these courses are not familiar with the processes, interaction patterns, features, and possibilities of teaching learning processes based on ICT.

Effective development of pre-service teachers’ ICT proficiency does not seem to be a direct process, but is the one asking for a careful, complex approach. First, a need assessment is important to find out what ICT skills and knowledge teachers need at schools. Second, designers of teacher education programs should know the pre-service teachers’ perceptions of ICT and their attitudes toward ICT integration into curriculum. Third, teacher education programs need to consider the two typical arguments that support the ICT use in schools.

13. Which of the following best restates the sentence “Over the last two decades, the use of ICT has been an important topic in education. On the one hand, studies have shown that ICT can enhance teaching and learning outcomes.” in paragraph 1?

A. ICT usage has been a vital topic in education and studies indicate that ICT can develop teaching and learning upshot.

B. Studies have shown that ICT can enrich teaching and learning end result

C. The use of ICT has been an insignificant topic in education. Also, studies have shown that ICT can enhance teaching and learning outcomes.

D. Over the last two decades, the use of ICT has been an important topic in educational method.

E. Over the preceding two decades, studies have exposed that ICT can increase teaching and learning outcomes.

Answer: A

Dalam pernyataan “Selama dua dekade terakhir, penggunaan ICT telah menjadi topik penting dalam pendidikan. Di satu sisi, penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa TIK dapat meningkatkan hasil pengajaran dan pembelajaran.” dapat dinyatakan kembali oleh opsi (A) ICT usage has been a vital topic in education and studies indicate that ICT can develop teaching and learning upshot.

14. Based on the passage, paragraph 1 most likely discusses….

A. educational growth in the last two decades

B. the development of education by using ICT

C. the advantages of using ICT in the learning process

D. teachers need to be trained in order to integrate ICT in their teaching

E. ICT and education in today’s learning development

Answer: B

Pertanyaan soal ini intinya menanyakan topik paragraf ke-1. Paragraf ke-1 topiknya membahas penggunaan TIK telah menunjukkan bahwa TIK dapat meningkatkan hasil pengajaran dan pembelajaran “On the one hand, studies have shown that ICT can enhance teaching and learning outcomes.”  itu artinya adanya pengembangan pendidikan dengan menggunakan TIK. Maka pilihan jawaban (B) the development of education by using ICT merupakan opsi yang tepat.

Question number 15 to 17 are based on the following text.

Sleepiness after eating is a response of the body to chemical changes during the digestion process. This is normal and it happens to everybody. However, if sleepiness occurs every time after eating and obstructs your ability to function, this may be a concern. Sleepiness after eating is caused by many factors, such as the type of food you consume, messy sleeping habits, your health condition and so forth. The body requires energy to function and this energy is obtained through food. Post-eating, the body releases hormones such as amylin, glucagon and cholecystokinin. These hormones increase blood sugar levels, creating a feeling of fullness and producing insulin that will be streamed through cell tissues and provide energy for them. At the same time, the brain releases serotonin that causes drowsiness.

Moreover, food also influences melatonin production in the brain. This is the hormone that is responsible for sleepiness post-meal. Some foods that are rich in protein, such as meat, poultry, eggs, fish, spinach, tofu, cheese and soybeans can trigger more drowsiness than others. Additionally, foods containing carbohydrates also help produce serotonin and tryptophan amino acids found in the brain. This is the reason why you feel sleepy after eating carbohydrate-rich foods.

Overeating can also cause sleepiness. Post-meal, the body streams more blood to the digestive system to better digest foods in massive amounts. This causes a temporary blood and nutrients shortage in the brain. To prevent post-meal drowsiness, it’s better to eat a balanced diet containing vegetables, grains and good fats to provide continuous energy. Drink lots of water and limit your sugar intake.

Bad sleeping patterns can also cause sleepiness after eating. After a meal, the body feels full and relaxed, making the body feel like it is resting, resulting in a feeling of sleepiness, particularly if you didn’t get a good night’s sleep the night before. To avoid this, improve your sleeping habits to prevent stress. Engaging in regular physical exercise can help you get a good night’s sleep. It is recommended that you avoid napping if you are having trouble sleeping at night.

15. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To discuss the amount of food to consume so as not to feel sleepy

B. To inform the readers about the factors of sleepiness after eating

C. To argue the effect of eating too much foods for the brain

D. To tell the readers the benefit of eating certain foods

E. To investigate what causes drowsiness after overeating

Answer: B

Tujuan penulis dalam menulis teks di atas adalah untuk menginformasikan faktor kantuk setelah makan.

1. Sleepiness after eating is a response of the body to chemical changes during the digestion process.

2. Moreover, food also influences melatonin production in the brain. This is the hormone that is responsible for sleepiness post-meal.

3. Overeating can also cause sleepiness.

4. Bad sleeping patterns can also cause sleepiness after eating. After a meal, the body feels full and relaxed, making the body feel like it is resting, resulting in a feeling of sleepiness, particularly if you didn’t get a good night’s sleep the night before.

Maka pilihan jawaban (B) To inform the readers about the factors of sleepiness after eating merupakan opsi yang tepat.

16. By writing the sentences in paragraph 2, the author intends to tell the readers about….

A. foods that are rich in protein, such as meat, eggs, fish, tofu, cheese and soybeans can generate more drowsiness

B. overeating protein and carbohydrate-rich foods obstructs your brain’s ability to function well

C. the reason why carbohydrate-rich foods make you feel sleepy

D. food combinations containing tryptophan amino acid and carbohydrates make you feel drowsy

E. the hormone melatonin production in the brain is responsible for sleepiness after eating

Answer: D

Paragraf ke-2 penulis intinya bermaksud untuk memberitahu pembaca bahwa kombinasi makanan yang mengandung asam amino triptofan (protein) dan karbohidrat membuat Anda merasa mengantuk (Additionally, foods containing carbohydrates also help produce serotonin and tryptophan amino acids found in the brain. This is the reason why you feel sleepy after eating carbohydrate-rich foods.). Maka pilihan jawaban (D) food combinations containing tryptophan amino acid and carbohydrates make you feel drowsy merupakan opsi yang tepat.

17. It can be predicted from the passage that….

A. the finer you manage your sleep, the more lethargic you feel

B. the more fish you eat, the better it is for the brain

C. the less you eat carbohydrate-rich foods, the less you will feel drowsy

D. the less meat you eat, the more you will feel drowsy

E. the less you consume protein and carbohydrates, the better it is for the body

Answer: C

Dari kalimat “This is the reason why you feel sleepy after eating carbohydrate-rich foods.” dapat diprediksikan bahwa semakin sedikit Anda mengonsumsi makanan yang kaya karbohidrat, maka rasa kantuk akan berkurang. Maka pilihan jawaban (C) the less you eat carbohydrate-rich foods, the less you will feel drowsy merupakan opsi yang tepat.

The text below is for queries 18 to 19

Indonesia is the world’s third-largest coffee producer and exporter, after Brazil and Vietnam. National coffee output has grown over the past decades, albeit not in a linear fashion as harvests fluctuate strongly from one year to another depending on the weather. With per-capita coffee consumption on the rise both in Indonesia and the wider region, there is obvious room for further growth, but there is also an obvious need for investment. The capital required to take Indonesia’s coffee industry to the next level presents appealing prospects for investors, while the country’s burgeoning coffee culture also brings opportunities for foreign exporters.

Indonesia’s tropical climate produces almost ideal conditions for planting coffee. Today, most Indonesian coffee comes from Sumatra, but Sulawesi and Kalimantan, the Lesser Sunda Islands of Bali, Sumbawa and Flores as well as the country’s easternmost region of Papua all contribute to national output. Robusta coffee makes up more than three quarters of Indonesia’s produce; the remainder is of the milder Arabica type. The numerous coffee-growing regions in the country produce beans of distinct flavors and properties, and a number of highland Arabica coffees from Indonesia are recognized by aficionados the world over.

Indonesian coffee exports rose from 336,840 tones (or 5,614,000 60-KG bags) in crop year 2000/2001 to 656,400 tones (10,940,000 bags) in 2012/2013, according to data collated by the International Coffee Organization. Total production over the same period increased from 419,220 tones to 763,800 tones. At present, the principal destinations for Indonesian coffee are the US, Japan and Western Europe (particularly Germany), but Indonesia is well placed to capitalize on the fast-rising demand in the ASEAN region and in China.

Indonesian per-capita consumption of around 1.2 kg in 2012 pales against more than 4 kg in the US, around 7 kg in the world’s number one coffee producer Brazil and more than 10 kg in various European countries. But with Indonesian per-capita consumption having already doubled in just a few years, domestic demand looks to be on a fast growth trend. This puts the world’s fourth-most populous country on course to become a leading coffee market. Local demand is driven by the lifestyle changes that accompany urbanization and economic development. Caffeine consumption tends to increase when a larger part of the labor force works in an office environment.

18. What is the best summary of the passage?

A. The primary destinations for Indonesian coffee export are the US, Japan and Western Europe

B. Total production of Indonesian coffee over the same period has increased

C. Indonesia is well placed to capitalize on the fast-rising demand in the ASEAN region

D. The various coffee-growing in the country produce beans of distinct flavors

E. Indonesia’s coffee growing and Indonesia’s coffee industry needs growth capital

Answer: E

Ringkasan yang tepat dari teks di atas adalah pilihan jawaban (E) Indonesia’s coffee growing and Indonesia’s coffee industry needs growth capital yang bermakna “Perkembangan kopi Indonesia dan industri kopi Indonesia perlu pertumbuhan modal” karena kalimat ini mewakili isi dari teks di atas sebagaimana yang tercantum di kalimat utama paragraf pertama “Indonesia is the world’s third-largest coffee producer and exporter, after Brazil and Vietnam. National coffee output has grown over the past decades, albeit not in a linear fashion as harvests fluctuate strongly from one year to another depending on the weather. With per-capita coffee consumption on the rise both in Indonesia and the wider region, there is obvious room for further growth, but there is also an obvious need for investment.”

19. What can be inferred from paragraph 3 in the passage?

A. The coffee export has decreased in several years

B. Total production deducted from 419,220 tonnes to 763,800 tonnes

C. Indonesian coffee exports increased from 2000/2001 to 2012/2013

D. Indonesia is in a good site to take advantage of fast-rising demand in ASEAN

E. The US, Japan and Western Europe are the destination for Indonesian coffee

Answer: C

Dari paragraf ke-3 bisa disimpulkan bahwa ekspor kopi Indonesia telah meningkat dari tahun 2000/2001 sampai tahun 2012/2013. Ini ada pada awal kalimat paragraf ke-3 tersebut. Maka pilihan jawaban (C) Indonesian coffee exports increased from 2000/2001 to 2012/2013 merupakan opsi yang tepat.