The 8 English Parts of Speech

These are the words that you use to make a sentence. There are only 8 types of word - and the most important is the Verb!
  • Verbs be, have, do, work
  • Nouns man, town, music
  • Adjectives a, the, big
  • Adverbs loudly, well, often
  • Pronouns you, ours, some
  • Prepositions at, in, on, from
  • Conjunctions and, but, though
  • Interjections ah, dear, er, um

PREFERENCES (pilihan/kesukaan)

Secara umum, ada 4 cara untuk menyatakan kesukaan dalam bahasa inggris, berikut ini adalah ulasan singkat di sertai contoh penggunaanya:

1.   Prefer(s)
S + prefer + noun/V-ing + to + noun/V-ing
- I prefer dancing to singing.
  (saya lebih menyukai menari ketiumbang menyanyi)
- Andi prefers meat ball to fried rice.
  (andi lebih menyukai bakso ketimbang nasi goreng)

2.   like ... better than ...
S + like + noun/V-ing + better than + noun/V-ing
- I like T.V better than radio.
- wahyu likes reading better than watching T.V.

3.   Would rather ... than ...
S + would rather + V1 + than + V1
- Dita would rather watch T.V . than plays a video game.
  (Dita lebih menyukai nonton T.V ketimbang main video game)

4.   Would prefer ... rather than ...
S + would prefer + to V1 + rather than + V1
- Ayu would prefer to phone me rather than send SMS.
  (Ayu lebih menyukai menelpon saya ketimbang mengirim SMS)Semoga bermanfaat :)

'Money' is an uncountable noun. (Uang termasuk Uncountable Noun, berikut penjelasanya)

'Money' is an uncountable noun. Why?

This is because we cannot say, "1 money, 2 money, etc."

Yes, it's true, we can count money in the sense that we can say, "1 dollar, 2 dollars, etc." But we are counting 'dollar', not 'money'. Therefore, 'dollar' makes money countable, so 'dollar' is a countable noun.

As a rule we use many+countable nouns and much+uncountable nouns.

MONEY is an uncountable noun, it has no plural form, that's why it is used with MUCH.

Here are some other examples:
How much time...; How much sugar...; How much water..., etc.

Now compare (countable nouns):
How many minutes/ hours...; How many spoons of sugar...; How many glasses of water..., etc.

If you are trying to say the amount of money you have in your wallet. What would you say?

I have one money or one dollar?
I have 20 moneys or 20 dollars?

Unless you are trying to say you have 20 different currencies
(like 3 dollars + 20 reais+ 50 pounds= 3 moneys), the answer would be:

I have one dollar. or I have 20 dollars.

Therefore, money is uncountable and should be used with the word much.
(unless you are talking about different currencies)


There are 10 modals in english, they are:

Can (Bisa Dapat)
Uses (Penggunaan)
Ability / Possibility (untuk menyatakan kemampuan)
Inability / Impossibility (Untuk menyatakan ketidakmampuan atau kemungkinan)
Asking for permission (meminta ijin)
Request (meminta sesuatu)
They can control their own budgets.
We can’t fix it.
Can I smoke here?
Can you help me?

Could (bisa/dapat: untuk mengatakan dengan cara yang lebih halus/ bentuk lampau dari "can")
Asking for permission. (meminta ijin)
Request (Permintaan)
Suggestion (Saran)
Future possibility (Kemungkinan di masa depan)
Ability in the past (Kemampuan di masa lalu)
Could I borrow your dictionary?
Could you say it again more slowly?
We could try to fix it ourselves.
I think we could have another Gulf War.
He gave up his old job so he could work for us.

Asking for permission (meminta ijin)
Future possibility (Kemungkinan di masa depan)

May I have another cup of coffee?
China may become a major economic power.

Might(boleh/mungkin, bentuk lampau dari "may")
Present possibility (kemungkinan di saat ini)
Future possibility (kemungkinan yang akan datang)
We'd better phone tomorrow, they might be eating their dinner now.
They might give us a 10% discount.

Must (Harus)
Necessity / Obligation (Kebutuhan / Kewajiban)
Prohibition (Larangan)
We must say good-bye now.
They mustn’t disrupt the work more than necessary.

Ought to(Harus)
Saying what’s right or correct (Menunjukan yang benar dan yang salah)
We ought to employ a professional writer. 

Shall (akan: More common in the UK than the US)Shall can only be combined with the subject I and We.
Suggestion (saran)
Asking what to do (menanyakan apa yang harus di lakukan)
Shall I help you with your luggage?
Shall we say 2.30 then?
Shall I do that or will you?

Should (Seharusnya)
Saying what’s right or correct (Menyatakan yang benar dan yang salah)
Recommending action (merekomendasikan tindakan/menasehati)
Uncertain prediction (perkiraan yang belum pasti)

We should sort out this problem at once.
I think we should check everything again.
Profits should increase next year.

Will (Akan)
Instant decisions (Keputusan mendadak0
Certain prediction (prediksi tertentu)

I can’t see any taxis so I’ll walk.
I'll do that for you if you like.
I’ll get back to you first thing on Monday.
Profits will increase next year.

Would (Akan: bentuk lampau dari will)

Asking for permission (meminta ijin)
Request (meminta sesuatu)
Making arrangements (Membuat pengaturan)
Invitation (Undangan)
Preferences (Pilihan)


Would you mind if I brought a colleague with me?
Would you pass the salt please?
Would you mind waiting a moment?
"Would three o`clock suit you?" - "That’d be fine."
Would you like to play golf this Friday?

"Would you prefer tea or coffee?" - "I’d like tea please."

Untuk yang belum jelas artinya, jangan males buka kamus ya ^_~
Semoga Bermanfaat :)

Have and Has

I, You, We, They + Have
I have a job,  
you have a job,
they have a lot of time to do their job

He, She, It + has
He has a job
She has a job
it has so much time to learn more.

Untuk kalimat positif, negatif dan pertanyaan:

have blackberry mobile phone ( + )
do not  (don't)  have blackberry mobile phone ( - )
she does not have blacbery mobile phone ( - )
Do you have blackberry mobile phone? ( ? )
Does she has blackberry mobile phone? ( ? )

Perhatikan subjeknya I, You, We, They + do \ He, She, It + does
Semoga bermanfaat :)

Do and Does

I, You, We, They + Do
I do my job,  
you do your job,
they do their job

He, She, It + Does
He does his job
She does her job
it doesn't matter to do my job

Untuk kalimat positif, negatis dan pertanyaan:

do like facebook ( + )
do not  (don't)  like facebook ( - )
Do you like facebook? ( ? )

Semoga bermanfaat :)

Question tags

We use tags in spoken English but not in formal written English.
(Question tag biasa di gunakan untuk bahasa lisan)

 They are not really questions but are a way of asking the other person to make a comment and so keep the conversation open.
(Question tag bukanlah sebuah pertanyaan yang utuh melainkan sebuah cara untuk meminta lawan bicara untuk memberikan komentar atau untuk menegaskan sesuatu)

Hal yang perlu di perhatikan dalam membuat question tag adalah:
With a positive sentence, make a negative tag and with a negative sentence, make a positive tag.
(Untuk kalimat positif, maka question tagnya berbentuk negative, untuk kalimat negative question tagnya berbentuk positif)

Contoh kalimat positive yang menggunakan question tag negative:
  • It's beautiful, isn't it?
  • He has been, hasn't he?
  • You can, can't you?
  • It must be, mustn't it?
  • You know him, don’t you?
  • He finished it, didn't he?
  • He will come, won't he?

Contoh kalimat negative yang menggunakan question tag berbentuk positive:
  • It isn't very good, is it?
  • It hasn't rained, has it?
  • It can't be, can it?
  • Jenny doesn't know James, does she?
  • They didn't leave, did they?
  • He won’t do it, will he?
Bagian yang di cetak tebal adalah question tag

Although, the rules are very simple and mechanical, in order to use them easily in conversation, they have to be automatic. So you need to hear and practice them very often.

(Walaupun aturanya sangat mudah namun dalam penggunaanya dalam sebuah percakapan harus di biasakan. dan untuk membiasakanya harus berlatih sesering mungkin agar terbiasa menggunakanya )

Semoga bermanfaat :)

The uses of "who," "whom," and "whose."

Subjects, Objects and Possessive Forms
To understand how to use “who,” “whom,” and “whose,” you first have to understand the difference between subjects, objects, and possessive forms.

(Untuk mengetahui penggunaan “who,” “whom,” and “whose,” terlebihdahulu harus mengerti perbedaan antara subject, object dan pernyataan milik )

Perhatikan kata yang di cetak tebal

Subjects do an action: (berikut ini adalah contoh posisi subject) subject adalah orang yang melakukan perbuatan.
  • He loves movies.
  • She goes to school.
  • We enjoy Chinese food.

Objects receive an action: (Berikut ini adalah contoh posisi object) Object adalah orang yang di kenai perbuatan.
  • The teachers like him.
  • Thomas knows her.
  • The actor smiled at us.

Possessive forms tell us the person something belongs to: (Dan berikut ini adalah contoh posisi pernyataan milik) Posesive adalah menyatakan orang yang memiliki.
  • His bike is broken.
  • I like her new book.
  • The teacher graded our homework.

“Who” is a Subject Pronoun (kita menggunakan wo untuk mengganti subject)
“Who” is a subject pronoun like “he,” “she” and “we” in the examples above. We use “who” to ask which person does an action or which person is a certain way.

  • Who made the birthday cake?
  • Who is in the kitchen?

“Whom” is an Object Pronoun (Kita menggunkan whom untuk mengganti object)
“Whom” is an object pronoun like “him,” “her” and “us.” We use “whom” to ask which person receives an action.

  • Whom are you going to invite?
  • Whom did he blame for the accident?
  • Whom did he hire to do the job?

“Whose” is a Possessive Pronoun (Kita menggunkan whose untuk menyatakan kepemilikan)
“Whose” is a possessive pronoun like “his,” “her” and “our.” We use “whose” to find out which person something belongs to.
  • Whose camera is this? (kameranya siapa?)
  • Whose dog is barking outside? (anjingnya siapa?)
  • Whose cell phone keeps ringing? (Handphoneya siapa?)

Do you understand now? Sekarang udah jelas ya :D
Subjects, Objects and Possessive Forms
To understand how to use “who,” “whom,” and “whose,” you first have to understand the difference between subjects, objects, and possessive forms.

(Untuk mengetahui penggunaan “who,” “whom,” and “whose,” terlebihdahulu harus mengerti perbedaan antara subject, object dan pernyataan milik )

Perhatikan kata yang di cetak tebal

Subjects do an action: (berikut ini adalah contoh posisi subject) subject adalah orang yang melakukan perbuatan.
  • He loves movies.
  • She goes to school.
  • We enjoy Chinese food.

Objects receive an action: (Berikut ini adalah contoh posisi object) Object adalah orang yang di kenai perbuatan.
  • The teachers like him.
  • Thomas knows her.
  • The actor smiled at us.

Possessive forms tell us the person something belongs to: (Dan berikut ini adalah contoh posisi pernyataan milik) Posesive adalah menyatakan orang yang memiliki.
  • His bike is broken.
  • I like her new book.
  • The teacher graded our homework.

“Who” is a Subject Pronoun (kita menggunakan wo untuk mengganti subject)
“Who” is a subject pronoun like “he,” “she” and “we” in the examples above. We use “who” to ask which person does an action or which person is a certain way.

  • Who made the birthday cake?
  • Who is in the kitchen?

“Whom” is an Object Pronoun (Kita menggunkan whom untuk mengganti object)
“Whom” is an object pronoun like “him,” “her” and “us.” We use “whom” to ask which person receives an action.

  • Whom are you going to invite?
  • Whom did he blame for the accident?
  • Whom did he hire to do the job?

“Whose” is a Possessive Pronoun (Kita menggunkan whose untuk menyatakan kepemilikan)
“Whose” is a possessive pronoun like “his,” “her” and “our.” We use “whose” to find out which person something belongs to.
  • Whose camera is this? (kameranya siapa?)
  • Whose dog is barking outside? (anjingnya siapa?)
  • Whose cell phone keeps ringing? (Handphoneya siapa?)

Do you understand now? Sekarang udah jelas ya :D

Penggunaan SOME dan ANY

SOME: used in positive sentences for countable and uncountable nouns.
(di gunakan dalam kalimat positif untuk benda yang dapat dan tidak dapat di hitung)

Contoh: I have some friends. i have some breads, i have some books

ANY: used in negative sentences or questions for countable and uncountable nouns.
(di gunakan dalam kalimat negative dan pertanyaan, untuk benda yang dapat dan tidak dapat di hitung)
Contoh: Do you have any friends? - He doesn't have any friends in semarang.

EXCEPTION! "some" is used in questions when offering or requesting something that is there.
(Pengecualian: "Some" di gunakan dalam kalimat tanya ketika menawarkan atau meminta sesuatu yang saat itu ada di sana)
Examples: Would you like some bread? (offer) - Could I have some water? (request)

Could you please make a sentence using the word "some" and "any"?

Sentence classification by purpose

Sentences may be classified according to the purpose of the sentence.

declarative sentence is used to make a statement.
An interrogative sentence is used to pose a question.
An imperative sentence is used to give a command or to implore or entreat.
An exclamatory sentence is used to express astonishment or extreme emotion.
Most of the sentences we speak or write are declarative sentences.

declarative sentences
It's lunch time.
We are going to the game on Friday.
My car is out of gasoline.
My parents keep telling me that I should make good grades so I can get a job or go to college.
We frequently ask questions, perhaps not as frequently as we should.

interrogative sentences
What time does the movie start?
How many people from your graduating class went to college?
Is there a reason why these dirty clothes are in the middle of the floor?
What are they serving in the cafeteria today?
People who have authority use imperative sentences. Sometimes, people who don't have authority use imperative sentences. The results may differ.

imperative sentences
 Wash the car.
Clean up your room.
Martin, report to the counselor.
Please donate to the community charity fund.
We say that sentences must have a subject and a verb. Note that some of the above sentences do not seem to have a subject. The subject is implied, and the implied subject is you. You wash the car. You clean up your room. You is a second person pronoun. It isn't possible to make a command statement in first person or third person.
Exclamatory sentences are rarely used in expository writing. Spoken exclamations are often a single word or an incomplete sentence. Grammarians indicate that formal exclamatory sentences begin with the word what or with the word how. Most of the exclamations we encounter are informal.

exclamatory sentences
What a beautiful night!
How happy we were when the dawn came and our flag was still there!
What did you do to your hair! (exclamation formed as a question)
I just won 500 dollars! (exclamation formed as a declarative sentence)

How do you know if a sentence is a question? Well, according to commedians Bud Abbot and Lou Costello, it depends on the punctuation mark.

"Who's on first."