Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013

How to Enrich English Vocabulary?

To make our speaking skill in English, we must have a lot of vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the most important things when we want to speak fluently. Here, there are some tips or stages how to enrich our vocabulary :

1. Watching Movie
Watching movie can be used to enrich our vocabulary. That`s why? Because when we watch a movie we will listen and know new vocabulary & new word. When we want to take a new word or vocabulary, we must write it in the clause, no only in single word. In the clause we can practice it automatically. After that, we must practice the clause or the new vocabulary in clause form.

2. Read the magazine
Reading can be one alternative step how to enrich our vocabulary. When we read, especially magazine we will get new vocabulary. It can be sport vocabulary, food vocabulary, machine vocabulary, etc. And don`t forget to take vocabulary in the clause form, no in the single word.

3. Have conversation with others
When we want to speak English fluently we should practice our speaking everyday, anytime, and anyplace. Have conversation not only to make our speaking be fluently, but also it can enrich our vocabulary. That`s why? Because the opposite speaker will use some new words that we think. So, from have conversation can enrich our new vocabulary. So that, Speak up right now...!!!

4.Listen speech
The forth one how to enrich our vocabulary is Listening speech. It can be directly or by listen the radio. When we listen some speech, we will listen some new vocabulary too. So, we should listen English speech can be one agenda in our daily activity to enrich our English vocabulary.

5. Listen the music
Though vocabulary in some lyrics of the song is different to speaking vocabulary, but it can be one way how to enrich our vocabulary

They are 5 ways how to enrich our English vocabulary. You can practice those tips. You will speak English fluently.